When you go off to college and decide to live off campus, it is very likely that the neighborhood you find an apartment in is not necessarily the best or safest neighborhood around. This is largely due to the fact that you are looking for an inexpensive apartment that is close to campus and the cheapest apartments are usually in dicey neighborhoods. Once you move into your new apartment, there are some steps that you can and should take to stay safe in your apartment and your neighborhood.
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A borescope is a camera connected to a flexible neck, which in turn connects to a screen. To use a borescope, you put the camera under a door, through a vent, into a pipe, or into any opening to allow you to see what is on the other side of a wall, what it looks like inside of a duct, etc. While you may have seen borescopes in movies used by police to see what suspects are doing behind a closed door, there are also residential and commercial uses for borescopes.
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Small businesses need technology to be able to operate their company efficiently. You may not have the resources to support your IT environment, especially since you have a small business. Falling behind on security, installing patches, or performing backups can negatively impact your business. Below are some reasons why you may want to consider hiring a managed IT services company to help you.
Suggest What Services Are Needed
The IT service will visit your company and ask you to walk them through your IT department, showing you the day to day operations.
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If you are in charge of running a large corporation, then you are likely aware of the importance of properly managing the hardware and data. Since hardware and data management can sometimes be time-consuming and tedious, you might be considering hiring a third party to manage yours. Here are some questions to ask yourself, to assist you with making a final decision:
Are you taking your data seriously?
Some companies, especially those that are new or small, don't necessarily take their business data seriously.
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How complicated is your home network? If you're like most people, you might have a computer, tablet, TV, printer, gaming console, cell phone, and other devices all plugged into your network, which probably consists of a wireless router and maybe a home server. Unfortunately, even with all of these things plugged in, it's possible that you're not using your network to its full potential. If you're not doing lots of fun things with your home network, it's time to upgrade your router, set up a home server, and start enjoying these three fun things your network allows you to do.
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